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Text Message to Samantha Ortego Not Sent: Unreachable destination handset. Number should be removed/edited.09/08/2023 5:43 PM

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Text Message to Macey Matthiesen (2) Not Sent: Unreachable destination handset. Number should be removed/edited.06/19/2022 10:14 PM

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Firm Foundation

Level: None
Earned: Not yetLearning to be the best advocate possible will not only help your clients, it will make yo...

Faithful Shepherd

Level: None
Earned: Not yetAdministrators help accomplish the important work of changing lives. Learn how to effectiv...

Tech Savvy Servant

Level: None
Earned: Not yetTechnology can enhance relationships and provide opportunities for connection. Administrat...

Healing Heart

Level: None
Earned: Not yetHealing is heart-deep and vital for clients to grow. Investing in their healing is what th...

Biblical Concepts

Level: None
Earned: Not yetThe message of Christ is simple; He gives GRACE! Learn how to communicate that grace to yo...

BrightCourse Experience

Level: None
Earned: Not yetHave you had considerable experience using BrightCourse? This badge identifies those who s...

Bright Staffer

Level: None
Earned: Not yetYou have learned to save and change more lives through BrightStaff sessions. Well done!

Great Communicator

Level: None
Earned: Not yetYou earn this badge by spending time communicating with clients either via text or video c...

Super Sharer

Level: None
Earned: Not yetWhen you share lessons, you can earn this badge. Simply assign lessons to clients and your...

Finishing Well

Level: None
Earned: Not yetIncrease your client lesson completion rates by following-up, spending time with the clien...

Client Keeping Center

Level: None
Earned: Not yetHelping your clients over the long-haul shows your love and passion. This badge is earned ...

Very Bright Staff

Level: None
Earned: Not yetYour staff has viewed lots of BrightStaff trainings - well done!

Learning Center

Level: None
Earned: Not yetThis badge is awarded to your entire center as fellow advocates complete training courses ...

Tech Forward Center

Level: None
Earned: Not yetBrightCourse is powerful. But most centers neglect to use many of its helpful capabilities...

Expert Admin

Level: None
Earned: Not yetIf you are an administrator and use BrightCourse effectively then this badge is yours! If ...

Organization Achievement

Level: None
Earned: Not yetWhen your organization earns a lot of badges, then your whole organization gets one more! ...

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Fatherhood Lessons Being a Father Pack

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What are the tasks that will help make you a great father? These are simple, easy to follow, yet very important lessons for every father to follow.

The Fatherhood Adventure!: Taking Care of Her During Pregnancy - Getting through pregnancy is huge! Moms go through A LOT: roller-coaster hormones, body changes, aches and pains, . . . (more)

The Fatherhood Adventure!: Taking Care of Her During Birth - Are you her birth coach? Her strong and fearless support? Will you go through labor with her? Help her get that baby . . . (more)

The Fatherhood Adventure!: Taking Care of them Postpartum - It’s done! You made it through pregnancy and labor and delivery! The baby is out and home. Well, wipe the sweat off . . . (more)

The Fatherhood Adventure!: Baby Care Basics for Dads - Babies are hard. Doing hard things isn't so hard when it is something you love. This adventure is truly the best because . . . (more)

Being a Father: The Two Questions - We all have a father experience, even if that experience was the absence of a father. And that experience impacts how men will father their . . . (more)

Being a Father: Real Time - President Barack Obama said in his Father’s Day speech in 2008, “What makes you a man is not the ability to have a child—it’s the courage to raise . . . (more)

Being a Father: Being a Role Model - Once you’re a father, you’re an instant role model—good or bad. Your kids learn everything from you: how to treat their mother, how they . . . (more)

Being a Father: Being a Leader - To lead or not to lead, that is the question. Well, once you’re a father, you’re a leader, like it or not. Your children will naturally turn . . . (more)

Being a Father: Being Consistent - Your children need you to be their dad through thick and thin. They need you in good times and hard times. And they need you to be consistent . . . (more)

Being a Father: Loving Discipline - Do you love disciplining your child? No one does! But it’s an important part of raising a child so they fit into life happily and effectively. . . . (more)

Being a Father: Practical Discipline - Kids need structure and discipline to help them fit into life. But how do you do that, if the discipline you experienced as a kid was unkind . . . (more)

Being a Father: Respect for Mothers - Unlock the secrets of mutual respect between men and women with this course. Dive into the nuanced world of how men perceive respect and . . . (more)