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Pregnancy & Birth Pack

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If you have expecting clients, this pack will guide them through their pregnancy, birth, and the first few weeks back home. Choose lessons starting in the first trimester through infant care and expectations.

Your First Trimester - You’re pregnant, and you’re wondering, Now what? There is a lot to know about pregnancy, your changing body, and your developing baby. So much happens . . . (more)

Prenatal Care - You’re pregnant, and you have a lot to consider, including car seats, the nursery, baby clothes, and what brand of diapers you want to use. But the most important . . . (more)

Eating for Two - When you’re pregnant, both you and your baby need nourishment to thrive. But what does eating for two really mean? Do you get to eat one cookie for yourself . . . (more)

Your Ultrasound Appointment - Getting to see your unborn baby on an ultrasound is an exciting and special event for any parent. It’s like unwrapping a wonderful gift as the scanner . . . (more)

First Trimester Expectations - Pregnancy is a unique nine-month experience. First-Trimester Expectations introduces three couples as they figure out how their unplanned pregnancies . . . (more)

Your Second Trimester - Your first trimester is now behind you, and you are likely feeling better. Morning sickness may have eased up, and you may be thinking, I’ve got this! . . . (more)

Emotions of Pregnancy - Pregnancy can be a confusing time when it comes to your emotions. One minute you’re happy and overjoyed, and the next minute you may feel irritable or . . . (more)

What is Safe in Pregnancy - There is so much to consider when you are pregnant. Your entire lifestyle changes! You now must carefully consider what products you use when cleaning . . . (more)

Bonding with Your Unborn Baby - From conception to birth, your baby embarks on an incredible nine-month journey. She is developing and growing from her own genetic blueprints. . . . (more)

Second Trimester Expectations - Pregnancy is a unique nine-month experience. Second-Trimester Expectations continues with the stories of Mariah and Tyler, Laila and Joseph, and . . . (more)

Your Third Trimester - You are moving into your third trimester, and you’re feeling very pregnant. Your baby is getting bigger, and you can feel her moving and kicking. What . . . (more)

The Final Stretch - On your mark, get set, go! The end of your pregnancy feels like one hundred days packed into one long month that, oddly, doesn’t seem long enough to get everything . . . (more)

Your Unborn Baby's Secret World - As recently as twenty-five years ago, we thought unborn babies were unaware of anything outside the womb. Since then, though, science has gained . . . (more)

Big Belly Mom Hacks - Everyone may seem like an expert when it comes to your pregnancy. Friends, family, and even strangers may offer advice as you experience the changes that . . . (more)

Third Trimester Expectations - Pregnancy is a unique nine-month experience. Third-Trimester Expectations completes the stories of Mariah and Tyler, Laila and Joseph, and Mikayla . . . (more)

Labor Expectations - They did it! Couples Laila and Joseph, Mikayla and Kyle, and Mariah and Tyler each had their babies! I bet you can’t wait to see how it all turned out in . . . (more)

Preparing for a C-Section - When you were first pregnant, you might not have thought too much about the birth. After all, it felt like it was a hundred years away. But now, as . . . (more)

Getting Ready: Nesting - It’s a mystery. Birds do it, hamsters do it, and other animals do it, too—including humans. Nesting: Is it an animalistic, science-proven instinct, or . . . (more)

Labor and Delivery: Getting Ready - Giving birth is tough, but having a baby is amazing! You might be wondering what to expect from labor and delivery. In this video, we’ll talk . . . (more)

Labor and Delivery: Natural Comfort Measures - Pain in childbirth can feel pretty scary. You might wonder, Can I handle it?! What if I can’t? In this video, we talk all about . . . (more)

Labor and Delivery: Medical Pain Relief, Interventions, and Procedures - Having a baby is hard work, and choosing how you manage your pain is important. You get to choose! Do . . . (more)

Labor and Delivery: Training Your Birth Coach - Having a baby is huge . . . and likely not something you want to do alone. Research has shown that when you have one or two support . . . (more)

Eye Contact Means Love - Eye contact is considerably more important to us throughout our lives than we may imagine. Even as infants, it is key to the process of establishing . . . (more)

Infant Temperament - The basic needs of most babies are the same, but each baby has a unique temperament. This video looks at the different types of temperament and helps you . . . (more)

The Importance of Bonding - The love bond between child and parent is the foundation upon which all discipline, relationships, and self-esteem is based. This video instructs . . . (more)

Infant Expectations - The first hours, days, and weeks with your newborn baby can be overwhelming. There is so much to learn and know! What will my baby look like? What is normal? . . . (more)

Infant Hygiene - Caring for an infant does not require vast amounts of training or an advanced degree. Caring for an infant simply requires a dedicated parent willing to respond . . . (more)

Simple Infant Care - Many less-common but important topics of infant care are often not discussed, particularly from a researched and documented position. This video will provide . . . (more)

Taking Care of Yourself after Childbirth - Women are often taught to consider the needs of others before their own. After giving birth, it is critical for a woman to take good . . . (more)

Postpartum Depression - Pregnancy and birth are supposed to be a joyful time, with the excitement of parenthood and a new baby, dreams of your sweet family, and those wonderful . . . (more)

Going It Alone - This course will equip you with the tools to navigate single parenting options, with a fulfilling and supportive environment for both you and your child. The . . . (more)

At Risk Pregnancy - There is risk in everything we do in life, including starting a family. Most pregnancies progress just fine, but sometimes along the way, complications can . . . (more)

Shaken Baby Syndrome - You’ve seen the stories in the news of babies who’ve been violently shaken and then died from their injuries. Most of us think, Not me! I would never do . . . (more)

Expecting Twins & More - Do you remember the moment? The one when you discovered you were having twins . . . or more? You might have been joyful, shocked, and then a little scared. . . . (more)

Feeding Your Baby: The Bottle - How you will feed your baby is an important decision to make. Babies spend three to four hours a day feeding in the earliest days of their lives. . . . (more)

Feeding Your Baby: Breastfeeding - Getting Started - Lesson one of our breastfeeding series provides the important information needed to prepare yourself for the wonderful world . . . (more)

Feeding Your Baby: Breastfeeding - Successful Breastfeeding - Breastfeeding is a natural process but there are ways to enhance your experience for the benefit of both you and . . . (more)

Feeding Your Baby: Breastfeeding - Problems and Solutions - Lesson three of our series is great when things don’t go as smoothly as planned. Breastfeeding can have its’ ups and . . . (more)

Feeding Your Baby: Breastfeeding - Weaning - In nature, healthy things tend to grow. And, while breastfeeding is an amazing season of life, the time comes for your child to . . . (more)

Do You See Her? I Could Never Do That - “I could never do that” is usually the first instinct and response that expectant moms feel and share. Leah, a birth mom of 18 years, . . . (more)

Do You See Her? What is Open Adoption - Adoptions used to be closed and filled with secrets. Now, open adoption has revolutionized the modern adoption experience, and is statistically . . . (more)

Do You See Her? A Birth Mother's Bill of Rights - When choosing adoption, YOU are in the driver’s seat. You have rights! In this video, we discuss what you need to know as you . . . (more)

Do You See Her? How do I Live With This Decision - Perhaps adoption sounds like an option you want to explore, but you still wonder about the heartache that may follow? That . . . (more)

Do You See Her? Advice from Birth Moms - It can be very helpful to hear from other birth moms who have walked this path. Listen to the advice from others who have been in your . . . (more)

Do You See Her? Courtney's Story - Courtney has been a birth mom for 20+ years in a semi-open adoption. She placed her son before heading off to college. In this video, she shares . . . (more)

Do You See Her? Hillary's Story - Hillary was parenting when she chose open adoption for her youngest son. She shares her struggles with her decision, and how she has found . . . (more)

Do You See Her? Morgan's Story - Morgan was in her twenties during her unplanned pregnancies and has experienced both abortion and adoption. She shares why she felt adoption . . . (more)

Do You See Her? Leah's Story - Leah was 16 and a junior in high school when she found out she was pregnant. Leah shares how she wrestled with her decision for months and what . . . (more)

Smoking and Alcohol Use During Pregnancy - From the time you find out you’re pregnant, you want to give your baby the best start in life. However, unhealthy lifestyle choices . . . (more)

Drug Use During Pregnancy - During pregnancy, knowing how drugs affect you is vital. Beware of unreliable online info. Safely manage OTC meds and caffeine. Be cautious with prescriptions, . . . (more)

Basic Decision Making Part 1 - In this lesson on unexpected pregnancy, we navigate the complexities of decision-making by exploring dreams, goals, and values. By reflecting on . . . (more)

Basic Decision Making Part 2 - In this lesson on unexpected pregnancy, we navigate the complexities of decision-making by exploring dreams, goals, and values. By reflecting on . . . (more)